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  • Frances Foundation


Please join me in extending heartfelt thanks to TEAM ANTONIO ( Cecilio, Joy, Rose & friends & supporters) for their overwhelming support of our Frances Foundation mission.

Team Antonio has recently provided the FF with bags full of gift cards for our pediatric cancer families, boxes & boxes of game and toys for our kids, and a very generous $2,000 donation in memory of angel Antonio from the Sydney’s Incredible Defeat of Ewing’s Sarcoma charity.

Antonio had 1 of the biggest , most striking ,infectious smiles I ever saw; and an even more incredible giving heart. I am sure his soul is a superstar in heaven.

Attached are some photos of Antonio with our angel Sami , with his sister Rose, with our soon to be super mom FF trustee Lauren, and with Bon Jovi.

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Frances Foundation for kids fighting cancer. Heart with smile with silhouette of child

The Frances Foundation for Kids Fighting Cancer, Inc. is a 501(c) nonprofit organization, Tax ID # 76-0763611

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