Wishing a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOMS !! As well as remembering and honoring all of our angel moms who gave so much to all of us.
Keeping with our annual FF Mother's Day tradition, with the outstanding assistance of our dear friends and supporters Bill & Gail Bechtoldt at Koch Florist in Middletown , the FF is delivering flowers and plants to 115 moms throughout NJ . They are the hero moms of our treating pediatric cancer warriors and our pediatric cancer angels. See attachments, and here is just 1 of the numerous thank yous we have already received : " ... thank you for the gorgeous Mothers Day bouquet! It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much- it brought me a huge smile and lit up my whole week! It means so much to be a part of the Frances Foundation family, we are forever grateful for all of you! Joey and I look forward to meeting up soon at future FF events!"
